However, sometimes I like to take stock of the little things in life. I think it's those small things that make a life funny, silly and satisfying.
It's about the silly and random things that you might take for granted. Some silly little thing that turn into really big things when you give them a smidgen of thought.
Here’s a few of my little-big things that I'm thankful for:
Fingernails. Yeah, fingernails. When you have a really irritating itch in the middle of your back that needs to be scratched, you need good sharp nails to relieve it. Better yet, have those nails attached to a person who likes you enough to be willing to scratch that itch. Oh yeah...that's the stuff right there.
Letters. Letters create words, words develop into sentences. Letters tell jokes and sing songs. They fight, rant and love. Encourage and discourage. Lots of letters together tell stories. Letters tell you how to cook, where to drive a car and share the latest news. I'm particularly fond of the letter S. Look at them sexy curves! Fweet-fweew. The letter S added to the end of a word will increase the value. Instead chocolate, as in singular, you get chocolateS. As in many. Present means one thing while presentS mean something totally different. See what I'm sayin'?
Warm sunshine streaming through a window. I am thankful for windows that kept the chill out but let the warmth from the sun in.
Dogs. A warm bundle of unconditional love who meets you at the door with joy and wiggly tail.
Humble pie. I'm grateful that I've gotten served enough slices to remember the bitter taste and gained the compassion to offer up a little sweetener to the next person standing in line.
The color orange. Bright, cheery and eye catching. An orange tastes like the color orange. No other words rhyme with the word orange. I like that. Way to be like no one else out there, Orange!
Duffy Duck.
Paint. You can decorate your world any color you want with a dab of paint. You don’t even need a brush to do it. Splash it on, drip it on or even finger-paint it on. If you can get a bunch of paints together you might create a piece of art. Make your color choice and start painting.
Mirrors. I am very thankful for mirrors so I can see that residual bit of lunch stuck between my teeth. I would bet you're grateful that I have mirrors too. AmIright?
Average days. I'm ok with my incredibly average days. I have many, many more average days than great days or even bad days. I'm fine with that. I'm grateful I dodged a bad day and have something to look forward to with the next great day coming up.
Baggage. We all carry life's baggage. I’ve read recently that we threw all of our problems in pile, saw everyone else's...we’d quickly grab our own back. Yeah... My baggage isn't too cumbersome after all. Thanks but I'll carry it myself. I gots dis.
So you see while we all have many significant things to be grateful for, there are many little things that deserve our thanks and appreciation. Better yet, take a minute, just a minute out of your busy day and find those small things. You'll thank yourself for that moment of reflection.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. May your day and week be filled with appreciation and gratitude for the little things in life.
In the meantime, Stay sudsy, my friends! Stay sudsy.