Dr. Marla Spivak of the Univertisty of Minnesota is one of the world's foremost experts on bees. This TED talk video is definitely worth your viewing time.
She'll explain, based on scientific evidence, what's happening to the bee population and what we can do to help it slow it's decline. And there are things YOU can do.
Most importantly, watch the video. Education is the key to success.
Click HERE to be linked to the video.
Feeding the Habit puts honey or beeswax in all of our products. Honey is well known for it's nutritional value but it's lessen known for it's value for the skin.
Here's a few interesting facts about bees, honey and beeswax:
- Americans eat more honey than we produce. (Side note: If we eat more than we produce....then where is it coming from? If you don't know your beekeeper then I'd question the honey source. Buy local!)
- Honey is the only food that if kept in it's natural state is good forever. Natural state means if it's kept in it's wax comb it will not spoil.
- It takes 1,152 bees to travel 112,000 miles and 4.5 million flower visits to produce a single pound of honey.
- All pure, raw honey will crystallize. If it doesn't crystallize it may not be pure or raw. All Neuhaus Wild Flower Honey is pure and raw.
- It's said that for 8-9 pounds of honey produced the bees produce 1 pound of wax for it's storage.
Feeding the Habit ships our honey in one lb plastic squeeze bottles. Click HERE to be linked to the page.
Now that you've read what I wrote, go back and watch the video. Please?
In the meantime, stay sudsy my friends. Stay Sudsy!