Guess what? Guesswhat, guesswhat, GUESSWHAT! I have just committed to collaborating with a local Community Education Department (Litchfield, MN) and will be providing a two-hour demonstration class on Soap making Fundamentals. (Stay tuned…this may turn into more dates and locations being offered.)
Date for the course is Oct. 21, 2014. Contact Community Education to register!
Here’s a copy of the description that will be going into the brochures:
Good, clean fun!
Soap making fundamentals
Stacey has been making cold process soap since 2009. In this demonstration you will learn what a good bar of soap is, start building an accurate knowledge base and watch a demonstration of a soap batch
being made. Participants will also be able to bring home a fully cured sample of soap.
Stacey will cover the basics in soap making safety, recipe development, sourcing local ingredients, using trusted resources and other information.
This demonstration will not be a how-to class. Watch in spring 2015 for
the extended version class of this ancient craft.
$25.00 per student.