I really have this weird insatiable need to create all manner of things. I started early in my life with crafting. I can remember at the tender age of about nine years old and being taught how to crochet. I can't even tell you what made...if anything other than the typical pennant odd-shaped scarf. But soon I was off and creating like there was no tomorrow.
Over the years I've worked with embroidery, quilting, painting, beading, encaustic painting, stained glass, and kiln formed glass. In addition to cooking, baking and canning. Each little crafted item, sewing project and meal cooked has lead me to be confident in my random skill set.
I decided to my little show on the road. I started going to craft fairs and started to sell glassy creations. I made stained glass panels and cut glass jewelry. I called my little venture "A Glass Onion Creation" after the Beatles song "Glass Onion". There is much meaning behind that song but one is that onions, synonymous to people, have multi layers and can be transparent. Much like the creative work I did. So, it worked. For a time.
That was all well and good until I started bringing along some of my soaps. Pretty soon the soaps and lip balms out sold the glass by a long shot. Well...shoot..."A Glass Onion Creation" didn't seem so fitting any more. Now what?
I was asked to demonstration talk on my stained glass to a Ladies' group at our church. It was a hoot to show everyone how much fun working with glass was. The ladies were attentive listeners and asked lots of questions. One question was in regards to what I did with the items after I made them. I replied that I had to sell them in order to buy more glass. Working with stained glass is an expensive hobby. And I was really doing was feeding that need that I have to create. Feeding the Habit.
*BING!* (Cue the angels singing the Hallelujah Chorus) That's it! That's it. What a better name to call a cottage industry? Feeding the Habit! Then and there I decided a name change was in order.
The rest...as they say...is well-fed history. =o)